Tillson to graduate summa cum laude

Marie L. Tillson will graduate summa cum laude at the University of Southern Maine with a bachelor’s degree in social and behavioral sciences.

Tillson, a graduate of Bonny Eagle High School in 2000, is the daughter of Leroy Tillson III and Lynn Hughes and stepdaughter of Hal Hughes and Deanna Tillson.

Marie Tillson is a member of the Golden Key International Honor Society as well as the National Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi.

Tillson completed her internship in the Elderworks program at the Community Counseling Center in Portland. She has worked at the Carpet Barn in Gorham for the past five years.

After graduation, Tillson plans to take a year off before attending law school or she will pursue a master’s degree in counseling.


Ecumenical Commission to meet

The Gorham Ecumenical Commission will meet at 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 4, at South Gorham Baptist Church.

Trio recognized

Town Manager David Cole recently gave service pins to three employees of the town.

Sgt. Mike Nault has been with Gorham Police Department for 10 years and five-year pins to Tim Richardson of Public Works Department and Aaron Shields of the Planning Department.

Baxter aids gulf libraries


The Baxter Memorial Library trustees and the Baxter Memorial Library Association are participating in a statewide effort for hurricane relief for libraries in the gulf area.

The trustees are holding a mason jar raffle during the BMLA book sale on Thursday, April 27 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., on Friday, April 28 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., and on Saturday, April 29 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Many prizes are available including gift certificates from local businesses and quilts designed by student sewing groups at the library. In addition, the Baxter Memorial Library Association is donating all the proceeds from Saturday’s sales to hurricane relief.

For more information, call Pam Turner, director at Baxter Memorial Library, at 839-5031.

Youth art class starting

Jeremy Greene of The Art Guru said the third youth art program (sculpture) for children kindergarten through grade 12 would be starting Saturday, April 29.

“I really hope you can sign your kids up for this wonderful opportunity to learn about art from an experienced artist, Andrew Coffin,” Greene said.

U.S. taxpayer debt

The Bureau of Public Debt reported on Wednesday, April 19, that the U.S. public debt was $8,371,833,369,714.06.