How should the U.S. handle immigration?

Karen Clark, 40, Windham

“I have very mixed emotions on it. We’re all descendents of immigrants that came here for a better life. But our economy is very poor right now and if we keep letting people in, it’ll only get worse. Our government is too interested in making their lives perfect. But our ancestors had to make it on their own and earn their keep.”

Steve Dow, 43, Windham

“Close the border for 10 years. All illegal immigrants, out. All legal immigrants not willing to work, out. I don’t like paying for other people to live in this country. I can’t go to Mexico and get free health care and take somebody’s job. Why should they be able to do it here?”

Brandy Sargent, 29, Denmark


“If they are over here and they’re established let them stay and make them legal citizens. But they should stop them at the border if they feel we have too many. But if they’re going to come over here and live off the government, let them go home.”

Eunice Smith, 66, Windham

“Don’t treat them with kid gloves. Make them work like the American people. No special benefits. And tell them they have to learn English and they have to wear our attire.”

Ronald Edwards, 55, Sebago

‘That’s a deep question. We were founded on immigration. Now, all of a sudden, we’ve become so overpopulated, we have outgrown our immigration status. Maybe we should set a limit on foreign nationals coming into our country every year. And we should consider putting a moratorium on immigration until we can figure out a way to handle further immigration.”

Dennis Shipman, 33, Steep Falls

“Growing up in Texas I definitely have an opinion on this. It’s irrelevant if they allow anything or not. It’s a matter of controlling what’s here. Obviously, it’s a drain on the social services and taxpayers, whether they are accounted for or not. What needs to take place is some type of control to make sure they’re included in the tax base and paying their fair share.”