We would like to extend our deepest thanks to St. Hyacinth’s and all the volunteers who made our benefit spaghetti supper a success last weekend. With the help of more than 100 members of our community, we raised $1,500 for the Keep ME Warm Fund, which helps families right here in Westbrook pay their heating bills.

Gov. Baldacci established the Keep ME Warm Fund this fall because the federal government cut Maine’s funding for the Low Income Heating Assistance Program, leaving families throughout the state out in the cold. Our first order of business in the Maine Legislature this session was to contribute $5 million in state funds to the federal program, but it doesn’t come close to filling the gap left by the Bush administration.

We both have worked professionally in emergency services, and have seen firsthand what lengths people go to trying to stay warm when they can’t afford oil. Last week, three people in Limestone were killed when they tried alternative ways to heat their home. They couldn’t afford any more oil this winter.

From the attendance and outpouring of support for our efforts, though, we were glad to realize again that Westbrook is a community of open hearts.

Rep. Robert Duplessie

Rep. Tim Driscoll
