In a unique venture, Gorham teacher David Hladky and high school senior Spencer Hawkes are getting high marks for a recently released children’s book they produced.

“It’s unusual for a teacher and a student to collaborate on anything,” said Bob Crowley, a Gorham High School physics teacher. “It’s a great book.”

Hladky, under the pen name David Ladd, wrote the poems for the book, “Beagles in My Bed,” and Hawkes created the illustrations. The book features 68 poems and 50 drawings. They autographed copies of the book at a signing this month in the high school library.

It went on sale at several local bookstores a month ago and most of the first printing of 250 have already been sold. The book is being used in classrooms by some Gorham elementary school teachers. “The poems and illustrations work well. It’s so professional looking. I’m excited,” Hawkes said.

Hladky, who self-published the book, has been advised by a friend to hire an agent to pursue marketing the book nationwide. After the Christmas season, Hladky, also a songwriter who plays the saxophone, will ponder the next step in marketing.

The books went on sale locally in time for Christmas this year. “We’ve had a good response,” Hladky said. “A lot of people wanted to pick up a little Christmas gift.”


Sarah Dolley, one of Hawkes’ art instructors at Gorham High School, was a customer. “I bought a couple of copies for my nieces,” she said.

The book was created for children between the ages of six and 12. But Hladky said even adults enjoy reading it.

Hladky began writing poetry for the book two years ago. “Some poems are funny, some philosophic,” Hladky said. “Some are about the wonder of being a child.”

Reflecting on his 20 years as a teacher, Hladky, who teaches 12th grade special education, saw a need to produce the book of poetry for children. “It’s a niche that I wanted to fill,” said Hladky, who has taught English and reading at the elementary, middle and high school levels over the years. “I remembered how much kids loved poetry.”

He was also influenced by the words he once heard from Maine Poet Laureate Baron Wormser. Wormser “underscored” the need for the book, Hladky said.

After deciding to compile his poetry into book form, he searched for an illustrator. Hladky had no idea that he would find one right in the high school. The school’s librarian, Sandra Rockett, recommended Hawkes, as did art teacher Chris Crosby along with Dolley.


Accepting the opportunity, Hawkes, who then didn’t know Hladky either, began drawing the illustrations last spring. Working together, the pair developed their own ideas, as they didn’t employ an art director for the book.

Hawkes is the son of Kevin and Karen Hawkes. Spencer is following in the footsteps of his dad, who is a professional artist for children’s books. “My father is an illustrator,” Hawkes said. “It does run in the family.”

Hladky praised the artwork in the book. “He captured the joyfulness, a sense of wonder and irony,” Hladky said. “He was clever at adding a twist of irony.”

The book contains a collection of Hladky’s first poems. It’s the first book for both poet and illustrator.

Crowley saw and heard about the book first hand as it evolved from Hladky’s idea. Crowley, who often carpools to school with Hladky, is also one of Hawkes’ teachers.

As a physics teacher, Crowley hoped that a drawing of a balloon, which appears inside the book, would be the artwork for the cover. “I got out voted,” he said with a laugh.


Teachers at Gorham High School said that drawing is just one of the many talents of Spencer Hawkes. Crowley said Hawkes is in the honor physics class. “He has a natural intuition for physics, He’s a neat kid,” Crowley said.

Dolley said Hawkes’ artwork has a lot of expression. “It’s fun for him, he enjoys it,” she said about his artwork.

Hawkes played soccer as a freshman and a sophomore and also fences. He and a friend from Brunswick published a weekly comic strip in a Brunswick newspaper for a couple of months. The strip is now online.

Dolley said that Hawkes “wears many hats,” as he is a musician, singer and photographer. “He’s quite an actor,” Dolley said.

And just last week, Hawkes learned that he had earned the lead role in an upcoming high school theater production of “Foot Loose.”

Hladky, who has been teaching at Gorham for two years, and Hawkes share a common interest in travel. Hladky, who lives in South Portland, and his wife spend summers in France. And Hawkes has studied in Germany.


Hawkes plans to spend two years as a Mormon missionary before furthering his education at Brigham Young University in Utah. “I’ll go wherever they send me,” Hawkes said.

Crosby said Hawkes is a well-rounded student. “He can do pretty much everything. He’ll succeed because he’s not stuck in a groove. He has the talent to do anything,” Crosby said.

The book costs $14.95 and the coloring book, which has illustrations only, is $5.95. They are both available at the Bookworm on Main Street in Gorham; Borders Books at the Maine Mall in South Portland; Longfellow Books, Portland; Nonesuch Books, Mill Creek Shopping Center, South Portland; Books Etc., Falmouth and Portland; and The Book Review, Falmouth.

“Beagles in My Bed,” a children’s book of poetry, are shown by its author, Gorham High School teacher David Hladky, on the right, and Gorham senior Spencer Hawkes, who drew the illustrations.Gorham High School teacher David Hladky, on the left, and senior Spencer Hawkes teamed up to produce “Beagles in My Bed,” a new childen’s book of poetry. Hladky wrote the poetry and Hawkesdrew the illustrations.