In this time of ever increasing energy prices, along with the cost of nearly everything else going up, the cost of a little of your time could be invaluable.

Do you have or know of an elderly person next door or in your neighborhood? If you do, please do the neighborly thing and check on them regularly, not just this winter, but all year long. This winter will be especially tough on us all, what with the specter of rolling electrical blackouts adding to the increased energy costs. Please remember those among us who live on fixed incomes, may not have the mobility they once had and may not have any family nearby to assist them.

These are the folks that have helped people all of their lives, but when it comes to asking for themselves, they often feel as though they are imposing on someone. Make it so that they don’t have to ask! The members of Westbrook Public Safety, Fire Rescue and Police Departments are asking for your help. We do not have the resources available to do the regular check-ins that all of these folks deserve. If you would please take a few moments and just check in on an elderly neighbor or friend, it might just save a life. The greatest number of victims of hypothermia – low body temperature – are the elderly people in their own homes! Please be neighborly -it just might save a life!