I have been fortunate to have served on the Westbrook City Council with Jim for the past three years. As president of the City Council, Jim has shown he is a dedicated, committed councilor who makes sound decisions. As a city councilor, we are often presented with many different issues, trying to balance what is in the best interest of the city and its citizens. Often, there is no clearcut and/or easy answer. Jim Violette has repeatedly looked deeply at the issues, has done his homework and made decisions, which have made sense to this city. Jim is accessible, open and honest. Jim is the type of person who will let you know immediately where he stands on an issue, as well as being open to opinion and new ideas.

Westbrook needs a leader such as Jim Violette. He is an invested,

concerned and knowledgeable city councilor and he is the best candidate for mayor of Westbrook. I urge Westbrook citizens to vote and to vote for who is the best person to run the city of Westbrook. That person is Jim Violette.

Suzanne Joyce
