GHS presents “The Wake of Jamey Foster”

The Gorham High School Drama program brings to life Beth Henley’s outrageous comedy “The Wake of Jamey Foster” on the weekend of Nov. 10 to 13 in Gorham Performing Arts Center at Gorham High School, 47 Morrill Ave.

The show will begin at 7:30 Thursday through Saturday, Nov. 10, 11 and 12, and at 2 p.m. for a matinee on Sunday, Nov. 13.

The production is directed by Portland theater veteran Michael Levine and features student actors and designers. In “The Wake of Jamey Foster,” the playwright, best known for her hit play and movie “Crimes of the Heart,” creates seven unforgettable zany characters.

The story takes place during a gathering at a seemingly genteel Southern home for the funeral of Jamey Foster, who died by being kicked in the head by a cow. Over the course of a day, this dysfunctional family fights, cries and ultimately laughs together, as they share their hopes and dreams around the coffin.

“The Wake of Jamey Foster” features seniors Spencer Hawkes, Jenny Graves, DJ Joffe, and Brenna Nicely. Junior Rachael Tordoff and sophomores Nick Rapolla and Matt Slipp round out the cast.


A senior, Kristyn Stroud, is the assistant director. The set is designed by seniors Erin Cole and Maia Fleming. A senior, Katie VanDerburgh, designed the costumes, and a sophomore, Kevin Wiacek, designed the lighting.

Tickets, available at the door, are $3 for students and $5 for the general public.

Beagle at Syracuse University

Emily Beagle is enrolled in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communication at Syracuse University in Syracuse, N.Y.

Beagle is majoring in advertising.

VFW to meet


Gorham Memorial Post 10879 of the VFW will meet at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 15, in the West Gorham Fire Station.

Candlelight vigil

Braving an evening chill on Wednesday, several people held a candlelight vigil in honor of the 2,000 U.S. soldiers who have lost their lives in Iraq.

Participants held signs and lit candles in the vigil on Main Street in front of the Municipal Center.

Taxpayer debt

The Bureau of Public Debt reported on Friday, Oct. 28, that the U.S. public debt was $8,030,056,674,506.24.

colGOR 1102(vigil 2) – Margo Badeau, on the right, and Margaret Nobel hold signs in a candlight vigil for fallen U.S. troops on Wednesday. Badeau’s sign said “People for Peace” and Nobel’s sign read “2000. How many more?”

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