Dorothy Aube, D-Brown Street, first time candidate for the City Council is running for office because she is a lifelong resident who was looking for a way to help her city.

Aube, who is running for the Ward 4 seat being vacated by Ann Peoples, said she wants to see Westbrook take a more “proactive” approach to bringing economic growth to the city. She said she wants to see the city keep growing, but with an eye on making sure the businesses being brought in are the right ones. “I think people want some balance and not have growth at all costs,” she said.

Aube said she would especially encourage locally owned businesses to open up in the city. “I’d love to see homegrown people who would like to open a business here,” she said.

While downtown growth has been a major focus for the city recently, Aube said she wanted to make sure the city explores projects in other areas. “Wherever there is opportunity, it should be looked at,” she said.

Aube said she was in favor of continuing to explore ways to streamline city government. She added that she wanted to keep a careful eye on the process to make sure any cuts that are made do not take necessary services away from residents.

Aube also feels the city’s schools are important. She said she is a big supporter of the school system, and she was wary of cutting the school budget without first carefully considering the effect the cuts would have on kids. Aube said she felt good schools were important because a city with good schools is more attractive to businesses looking to locate there. “I think education is a priority,” she said. “If you have a good system, it attracts people.”

Since she hasn’t served before, Aube said she would have the advantage of bringing a fresh perspective to the council. “I think I have the ability to look at things from all sides,” she said. “I’m very easy to work with, and I would be an objective member of the council.”