I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the Westbrook City Council for voting in favor of the site plan standards drafted by the Planning Board at Monday’s (Aug. 1) public hearing. The standards, including the 160,000-square-foot building size, will be helpful in protecting Westbrook neighborhoods and families and also allow for development in the Gateway Commercial Zone to move forward progressively. It is so important to remember that these Standards will allow for a HUGE building and should one store decide to build this big it will be 60 percent larger than any other store in Westbrook. In my opinion, the size is not small enough, and I’m hopeful that a reduction in size will be considered as an amendment to the Standards to ensure that neighborhoods and families are protected from the incursion of incompatible non-residential uses. I urge the City Council to not be swayed by the lobbying efforts of Big Business and to stay strong in their decision to protect the families who live in Westbrook. Continue to support standards that will help shape the future of Westbrook in a direction that is both people and business friendly! Please continue to vote in favor of the standards at the second reading – We are counting on you!!

I also want to comment upon the extremely large turnout in support of the standards at the public hearing. This is a wonderful community – I am proud to live in a place where people care enough about their neighbors and the future direction of their city to sit in a hot and crowded room (some waited in the hallway since there wasn’t enough room in the designated overflow room) for five hours (the hearing ended at 1 a.m.) so that they could participate in and witness this very important process and its outcome!

Anne Bureau


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