Two deaths in the same area of Sebago Lake occurred within hours of each other Monday evening.

At about 5 p.m., three Revere, Massachusetts men fell into the water from the personal watercraft (Jet Ski) they were riding.

According to Director of Information Services and Education Marc Michaud, of the Army Division of the Maine Warden Service,

Kristopher Coppola, operator of the craft, slowed the Jet Ski, causing the craft to capsize with all aboard, Kristopher, Joseph Coppola, and John B. D’Arcangeloto, falling into the water.

Although Kristopher and Joseph managed to get back onto the Jet Ski, 73-year-old D’Arcangelo struggled in the water for several minutes, unable to climb back up.

Eventually, a second Jet Ski came to his assistance and managed to get him seated once again on the craft, where he began to complain of chest pains.


His friends quickly transported him to the dock at Point Sebago Resort in Casco where staff members attempted to revive him.

“We had good cooperation from everybody in their operation and coordination efforts,” said Point Sebago General Manager Don Toms.

Warden Jeremy Judd responded to the call for help, as did the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office, but D’Arcangelo died before he reached the hospital.

“We assisted the Warden’s Service by securing the scene,” said Captain William Rhoads of the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Department. “On calls like that we try to have the Warden’s Service do it – that’s their expertise.”

Second accident

Shortly before 7:30 p.m., while Warden Jeremy Judd was still at the scene, he witnessed a second Jet Ski accident.


“A Jet Ski collided with a boat,” said spokesman Warden Michaud. “The boat was leaving at a moderate rate of speed from Point Sebago Marina, going south out of the narrow cove near Birch Island. The Jet Ski was coming at a high rate of speed from the east and attempted to cross in front of the boat, impacting it on the diagonal.”

The force of the impact not only capsized the Jet Ski but ejected all three passengers from the pleasure boat as well.

Jet Ski operator, Scott Meagher, 36, of Whitman, Massachusetts, suffered broken ribs and chest trauma. Judd retrieved him from the water and attempted CPR but Meagher, who was transported to Bridgton Hospital, died shortly after.

Though uninjured, the driver of the boat, Paul J. Mardirosian of Berkeley, Massachusetts, was taken to the hospital where he voluntarily took a blood test. His two passengers, John Quimby, of Middleton, Massachusetts, and David Martinelli, of Plainville, Massachusetts, refused treatment.

“It was a tragedy,” said Point Sebago General Manager Don Toms. “We’ve had a pretty good record. We always stress safety.”

About five years ago, Toms said, the resort rented out Jet Skis to their guests but decided to stop after only a year because he was “afraid someone would get killed.”

Currently, the resort is reviewing their policy of allowing any Jet Skis at their marina – even those owned by their guests.

The Warden Service will forward the results of its investigation to the Cumberland County District Attorney’s Office.

An aerial view of Point Sebago on Sebago Lake. The area was the site of two separate Jet Ski accidents that happened Monday.