Sebago Days 2005 is fast approaching and committees are now finalizing plans for three days of fun-filled activities.

Events are held on town property behind the Sebago Elementary School at the junction of Routes 11 and 114 in East Sebago.

Teenagers begin the festivities on Thursday, July 14 at 7 p.m. with a Teen Dance for grades 6-9, emceed by DJ Rick Simard. This will be held at the Elementary School.

During the same time, many vendors and crafters will be preparing the booths and games for Friday’s opening at 4 p.m. Over 30 groups have reserved spaces offering everything from A to Z – afghans to zucchini bread.

Events on Friday, July 15 include Canine Demonstrations at 6 p.m. and a Kiddie parade at 6:30 p.m. Belly dancers perform at 8 p.m. Friday’s fireworks display at 9:30 p.m. will be the highlight of the evening.

On Saturday, July 16, the celebration kicks off with a Family Fun Walk/Run, at 8 a.m. Registration begins at 7 a.m. This is a leisurely two-mile course ending at the site of the 9 a.m. Lions Club Yard Sale. At 10 a.m., the Grand Parade leaves the Ward’s Cove area of Route 114 and will pass by a mile and a half of spectators. The theme for this year’s parade is “Seasons of Sebago.” More than 40 units will be led by the American Legion Post #155 of Naples, Raymond and Casco.


Ten hours of stage events begin at noon with Wanda Plummer’s Dancers, followed by the pie eating contest sponsored by the North Sebago Methodist Church. Next, the tiniest participants provide laughter as they participate in the Diaper Derby by crawling, or toddling, toward a finish line of proud parents. Other proud relatives will pack the show tent for the Talent Show. Participants can still register for this event which has three classes: age 10 and under, 11 to 18, and adult 18-plus. To compete, call Belisa Harriman, 787-3360.

Sebago Days will be the first time to purchase the latest of 10 Historical Society calendars. These calendars focus on an area of Sebago’s past, and the 2006 calendar features the Narrow Gauge Railroad. The Historical Society booth also will have available Sebago Days 2005 T-shirts.

No one will go hungry here! Booths are offering burgers and fries, brownie sundaes, hot apple buns, baked goods, lobster, chicken BBQ, veggie wraps and fried dough.

For those with toe tapping feet, Pete Finkle will be on stage late Saturday afternoon and Howard Allen and the Troubadours close the stage entertainment that evening. Others may be waiting for “under B, lucky #7” in the Bingo hall, also known as the Elementary School all-purpose room.

By the close of Sebago Days, there should be smiles on about 200 lucky people who purchased Bonus Drawing tickets and won one or more prizes donated by generous supporters of Sebago Days. Top prizes this year are a Bear Creek Canoe from Don Moore; a camcorder from Four Seasons Variety; TV/VCR combo from Jordan’s Store; air conditioner from Allan Munroe and handcrafted jelly cabinet from David Twombly.

Tickets are available from any Sebago EMS member or local businesses.