In their annual town meeting on Saturday, Buxton voters approved a $4.1 million town budget and supported acquiring a new fire truck.

Voters, however, rejected five requests to accept private roads.

The approved budget is down slightly from last year’s $4.2 million. “All budget items passed,” said Jean Harmon, who was reelected as a selectman along with Robert Libby on Tuesday.

Voters agreed to spend a sum not exceeding $55,837 from the fire fighting equipment fund for the first year of a five-year lease-purchase deal for a tanker-pumper. It will be housed at the Bar Mills Fire Station and will replace Engine 2 and Tank 2. The total price will be $279,185.

People favored budgeting up to $511,077 for the Buxton Fire and Rescue Department. In a separate expenditure connected with firefighting, Buxton authorized spending up to $10,000 for roof repair and shingling at the Chicopee Fire Station.

They also allocated $38,110 for the Recreation Department with the director getting a salary of $30,940 and the remaining $7,170 to be used for equipment and supplies. The new salary changes the director’s position from part- to full-time. Voters followed the selectmen recommendation on the article, while the Budget Committee had favored a $23,190 cap for the Recreation Department.


The Buxton Police Department, including dispatch and animal control, got $641,851. Additionally, the department received $22,375 to buy a cruiser.

Five articles asking voters to accept private roads for the town failed. They were Rick’s Way of the Spruce Grove subdivision; Green Ridge Drive, Fox Track and Quail Trail of the Butternut Hill and Butternut Hill Estates subdivisions; Evergreen Drive of Evergreen Woods subdivision; Hermit Thrush Drive of the Hermit Thrush subdivision; and Memory Lane of the Chase’s Places.

Harmon and Libby took the oath of office on Saturday after keeping their seats on the Board of Selectmen in secret balloting on Tuesday, June 14. Clifford Emery was elected chairman of the board, succeeding Harmon.

“It’s been a great experience. I enjoyed being chair and appreciate being reelected,” Harmon said.

Town Clerk John Myers said 61 citizens “at the high point” attended the town meeting.