Buxton selectmen are recommending a slight decrease in this year’s budget.

The town’s share of SAD 6 expenses would also decrease if it’s approved by voters.

In figures released on Tuesday, Selectman Carol Sanborn said the proposed Buxton town budget is about $4.1 million, down $9,942 from the present $4.2 million. The decrease reflects a 0.2 percent drop. The total sum requested by town department heads was $4.2 million.

On the school side, SAD 6 Business Manager Helen Vadnais said Buxton would pay $4.9 million, down $45,294, as its local share of the proposed school budget of $35.6 million. The SAD 6 proposed budget is up 4.9 percent from $33.9 million.

Buxton will be paying less due to an additional $2.7 million the school district received from the state this year, according to Superintendent Suzanne Lukas. Buxton pays 28.5 percent of the amount paid by the five towns that support SAD 6.

SAD 6 will hold an information session and public hearing on the school budget at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 11, in the Buxton Town Hall. Buxton will vote on the school budget, elect municipal officers and decide on two proposed charter amendments by secret ballot on Tuesday, June 14, in town hall, after electing a moderator.


The Buxton warrant includes the municipal budget items to be decided by voters at the town meeting that continues on Saturday, June 18. “People make the ultimate decision,” Selectman Robert Libby said of the budget’s approval.

Article 33 on the warrant asks voters whether they want to approve spending a sum not to exceed $55,837 for the first of five equal payments in a five-year lease-purchase agreement for a fire truck. The total cost would be $279,185 with the money appropriated from the fire fighting equipment fund.

The fire truck would be a tanker/pumper housed at the Bar Mills Fire Station. It would replace Engine 2 and Tank 2.

In Article 36, the town will decide whether to approve $641,851 to pay for the Police Department. Article 37 is a request for a new police cruiser. Voters are being asked whether they want to approve $22,375 to buy a new patrol car for the Buxton Police Department.

Other items facing voters include paying for the transfer station and sanitation services ($628,999) in Article 45, the Fire and Rescue Department ($511,077) in Article 30, the Highway Department ($476,755) in Article 49, insurance ($358,823) in Article 15, and for salaries for officers and staff ($319,000) in Article 12.

Repair jobs are also on the warrant. Voters will decide whether they want to repair and rebuild Spruce Swamp Road for $25,000. The project would be funded from undesignated surplus. Also, voters will determine whether they want to spend $8,000 to re-shingle the roof on the old town hall.


Voters can’t increase amounts on warrant articles. Jean Harmon, chairman of the Board of Selectmen, said voters could only decrease recommended amounts.

The proposed charter amendments would allow selectmen to appoint the town treasurer and create a public works department with its director also appointed by selectmen. The current road commissioner and the treasurer, now combined with town clerk, are now elected posts.

Libby said Buxton has more than $2 million in the bank in unappropriated surplus. Buxton has no outstanding debt.

Town Clerk John Myers estimated that 1,200 to 1,400 Buxton voters would cast ballots in the secret election. Seventy people attended town meeting last year, and he thought 75 people would attend town meeting this year.

He said there were no contested races for elected positions. “Very quiet election,” he said.