Jami Fitch, of Cumberland Country Soils and Water, announced that the Little Sebago Lake Association has been chosen to receive its outstanding Stewardship Group Award.

This award is reserved for a stewardship group that displays an unwavering commitment to protect Cumberland County’s natural resources. In a recent letter to the association, Richard Wood, Of CCSW made the following statement: “Over the past several years, the Little Sebago Lake Association has demonstrated on numerous occasions, their commitment to good stewardship. Some of their efforts include establishing a Camp Road Network to distribute pollution prevention information, speaking out at local, regional and state levels to enlist help for the removal of variable leaf milfoil and then recruiting volunteers and securing funding to begin the removal process, encouraging the use of native plants giveaway at your annual meeting, collaborating with the district and the Maine DEP to survey 13.3 square miles of the Little Sebago Lake Watershed and working with landowners, municipalities, the district and MDEP to address some of the worst polluted runoff sites in the lake’s northern watershed. None of these efforts would have been possible without the strong commitment of the LSLA board members and volunteers throughout the watershed. CCSW acknowledges these impressive efforts.”

According to board member and web editor, Carol Ann Doucette, this award will be presented at the district’s annual meeting on April 20. Doucette stated ” We have been very fortunate to work with all of the members of CCSW over the last few years. We would like to express special thanks to Jami Fitch, who has brought fresh new ideas and vitality to our group within the last year and an additional thanks to Wendy Garland of the Maine DEP whose knowledge, guidance and calmness of spirit have always led us in the right direction.”