High Low Sunrise Sunset Moon phase
Date a.m. hgt. p.m. hgt. a.m. hgt. p.m. hgt.
24 Thu 10:08 9.1 10:30 8.8 3:50 0.7 4:14 0.4 5:37 5:59
25 Fri 10:45 9.2 11:02 9.2 4:27 0.4 4:46 0.2 5:35 6:00 full
26 Sat 11:20 9.2 11:35 9.5 5:03 0.1 5:18 0.1 5:34 6:01
27 Sun 11:57 9.2 – – 5:40 -0.2 5:52 0.2 5:32 6:02
28 Mon 12:09 9.7 12:36 9.1 6:19 -0.3 6:30 0.3 5:30 6:04
29 Tue 12:47 9.8 1:19 8.8 7:01 -0.4 7:11 0.4 5:28 6:05
30 Wed 1:29 9.8 2:07 8.6 7:48 -0.3 7:58 0.7 5:27 6:06
31 Thu 2:17 9.7 3:01 8.2 8:40 -0.1 8:51 1.0 5:25 6:07
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