Two Bonny Eagle seniors received recognition last month in Augusta for an academic achievement, placing them among the state’s top students.

Peter Carter of Buxton and Ehren Whitney of Hollis received certificates from Susan Gendron, Maine’s Commissioner of Education, for finishing in the top 50 of more than 15,000 who took the Maine Educational Assessment tests last year as juniors.

Both students received embossed journals and a copy of The Farmer’s Almanac from its editor, Peter Geiger. Carter also has been awarded a four-year, full-tuition scholarship offer from the University of Maine.

The two were among those who had the highest combined scores in reading, writing, math and science/technology. Both are applying to colleges in the Boston area.

Carter called his statewide MEA placing unexpected. “It’s great to have. I really don’t know how that happened,” he said.

Whitney said he didn’t prepare specifically for the MEAs but was also pleased with the results. “It’s a good thing. I didn’t even think of it,” he said about being among the state’s top 50 students.


Hoping to attend either Suffolk University, Newbury College or Lesley University, Whitney plans a career in the recording industry as an artist and engineer. Whitney, son of Donald and Cindy Whitney, has already produced an album with his older brother, Brendon, which will be released in August. He said the album is on a label out of San Francisco and would be available internationally.

Whitney, who plays several instruments, used a cash advance for his album to setup his recording studio. Whitney enjoys every type of music, with the exception of country. In high school, he played in the band, jazz band and took song writing.

“More hands-on classes would do more to motivate people,” he said.

At Bonny Eagle, Whitney, who works at Target in South Portland, said his favorite class is English, although he does well in all his classes. “English is the most interesting for me,” he said.

He said most kids at Bonny Eagle grew up in the area, and he added that it would have been better if it were more diverse. Whitney said that he never got involved in social events at school.

“Trying to stay invisible,” he said of his personal experience in high school. “I’m ready to be out of high school,” he said.


His interests also include painting, sculpture and photography. He said college in Boston would offer a change of scenery, in addition to a music scene. Whitney said he isn’t a fan of organized sports, but he does enjoy snow boarding at Shawnee Peak and Sunday River.

Carter, son of Michael and Martha Carter, is undecided on a profession. He has applied at Tufts University, Northeastern University and Boston College in addition to University of Maine at Orono.

“I’m looking forward to college,” he said. “I had a good time in high school and hope to continue to do well until I graduate.”

Carter, who did landscaping last summer, would like to work in a big city, and he said a Boston school would be a good experience. He described himself as a “huge” Red Sox fan and wrote a college essay about the team.

College would also offer Carter an opportunity to continue in athletics. At Bonny Eagle, Carter played two years of varsity basketball and is looking forward to his third year in varsity baseball. He’s a left-handed pitcher.

“I’d be happy playing on the collegiate level,” he said.


With 1,200 students at Bonny Eagle High School, Carter could walk down the halls and see people he never saw before. He likes meeting new people and said the MEA recognition ceremony afforded him the chance to talk with other students from around the state. “It was great to meet them,” he said.

Carter, who took four years of Spanish, also cited physics and a mock trial course as his favorites. “In mock trial, you learn a lot not taught in curriculum,” he said.

He’s a member of the National Honor Society, Key Club and the Foreign Language Honor Society.

Whitney and Carter have cars but both were unsure if they would take them to a college in Boston. Whitney would prefer living in an apartment, while Carter said he would rather live in a dorm.

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